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Forestry Management Technology - Associate in Applied Science Degree
Program Requirements:
Admission Type:
General College Admission
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(843) 347-3186

If you like to work independently outdoors, you might want to consider the Forestry Management Technology program. The only accredited associate degree program of its kind in South Carolina, the HGTC Forestry Management Technology program trains students for the position of forest technician, a middle-management professional who is qualified to work alongside a graduate professional forester.
The educational program in Forestry Management Technology leading to the Associate in Applied Science degree is accreditated by the Society of American Foresters (SAF) through 2028.
Service to society is the cornerstone of any profession. The profession of forestry serves society by fostering stewardship of the world's forests. Because forests provide valuable resources and perform critical ecological functions, they are vital to the wellbeing of both society and the biosphere.Members of SAF have a deep and enduring love for the land, and are inspired by the profession's historic traditions, such as Gifford Pinchot's utilitarianism and Aldo Leopold's ecological conscience. In their various roles as practitioners, teachers, researchers, advisers, and administrators, foresters seek to sustain and protect a variety of forest uses and attributes, such as aesthetic values, air and water quality, biodiversity, recreation, timber production, and wildlife habitat.
The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to protect and serve society by inspiring, guiding, and governing members in the conduct of their professional lives. Compliance with the code demonstrates members' respect for the land and their commitment to the long-term management of ecosystems, and ensures just and honorable professional and human relationships, mutual confidence and respect, and competent service to society.
On joining the SAF, members assume a special responsibility to the profession and to society by promising to uphold and abide by the following:
Principles and Pledges
- Foresters have a responsibility to manage land for both current and future generations.
We pledge to practice and advocate management that will maintain the long-term capacity
of the land to provide the variety of materials, uses, and values desired by landowners
and society.
- Society must respect forest landowners' rights and correspondingly, landowners have
a land stewardship responsibility to society. We pledge to practice and advocate forest
management in accordance with landowner objectives and professional standards, and
to advise landowners of the consequences of deviating from such standards.
- Sound science is the foundation of the forestry profession. We pledge to strive for
continuous improvement of our methods and our personal knowledge and skills; to perform
only those services for which we are qualified; and in the biological, physical, and
social sciences to use the most appropriate data, methods, and technology.
- Public policy related to forests must be based on both scientific principles and societal
values. We pledge to use our knowledge and skills to help formulate sound forest policies
and laws; to challenge and correct untrue statements about forestry; and to foster
dialogue among foresters, other professionals, landowners, and the public regarding
forest policies.
- Honest and open communication, coupled with respect for information given in confidence,
is essential to good service. We pledge to always present, to the best of our ability,
accurate and complete information; to indicate on whose behalf any public statements
are made; to fully disclose and resolve any existing or potential conflicts of interest;
and to keep proprietary information confidential unless the appropriate person authorizes
its disclosure.
- Professional and civic behavior must be based on honesty, fairness, good will, and respect for the law. We pledge to conduct ourselves in a civil and dignified manner; to respect the needs, contributions, and viewpoints of others; and to give due credit to others for their methods, ideas, or assistance.
Forestry Management Technology Department Program Mission Statement:
The mission of the Department, the Programs and its faculty is to support the broader College’s goals as detailed above, but also provide a comprehensive silviculturally based environmental education that recognizes the broad multiple uses demanded from the forest environments of South Carolina, the Southeastern United States and the nation.
- We want our graduates to recognize how their daily decisions will have a lasting impact on the social, cultural, economic, and environment fabric of our state, region and country.
- Their natural resource decision making process must be based on the highest professional and ethical standards for the long term protection and promotion of a high demand resource.
- We strive to prepare well trained forest, wildlife and natural resource technicians for both public and private sector employers and promote career opportunities for our graduates.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to use GPS Navigation for:
- Navigating/marking waypoints using GPS (current technology),
- Uploading/downloading data to/from GIS software,
- Delineation of forest stand boundaries and
- Calculating land areas within GIS based on GPS waypoints.
Students will be able to properly evaluate forest stands for health, wildlife habitat and forest products through:
- Accurate forest measurements
- Aapplication of forest management principles.
Career Outlook
A forest technician has the technical knowledge and ability to supervise timber sales
and logging operations; conduct field research; implement practices that will enhance
timber growth; work in tree-nursery operations; survey land; inventory timber volumes;
manage sawmill operations; and sell wood products. Graduates of the Forestry Management
Technology program are qualified for entry-level positions with federal natural-resource
agencies, state forestry and wildlife departments, pulp and timber companies, consulting
foresters, and other industries where the skills of surveying, timber cruising, GIS/GPS,
and forest management are needed.
Students have the opportunity to become certified in the following areas: TOP Logger,
South Carolina Commercial Pesticide License, First Aid and CPR.
Employers of HGTC Alumni Include:
- South Carolina Forestry Commission
- International Paper Company
- USDA Forest Service
- Canal Wood Corporation
- Canfor - New South, Inc.
- Collum Lumber Company
- Georgia Forestry Commission
- Georgia-Pacific Corporation
- American Forest Management
- Brigman & Associates
- Weyerhauser Corporation
- North Carolina Forest Service
- USDI National Park Service
- S.C. Parks, Recreation & Tourism
- S. C. Electric & Gas
- Resource Solutions, Inc.
- WestRock
For more information about careers, visit O*Net Online for an overview of South Carolina and National earnings statistics, and Career Services for more employment, career, and professional development resources.
For more information, contact:
Mac Altman - (843) 520-1419 Forestry Professor | Assistant Chair
Charles Granger - (843) 349-5189 Department Chair
Curriculum Sequence |
First Semester - Fall | Course Title | Semester Credit Hours |
ENG 155 | Communications I* | 3 |
FOR 102 | Multiple Use of Forest Lands | 3 |
FOR 130 | Dendrology | 3 |
FOR 154 | Mensuration | 3 |
MAT 170 | Algebra, Geometry & Trigonometry I | 3 |
NRM 106 | Spreadsheet and Word Processing for Natural Resource Professionals | 1 |
TOTAL | 16 | |
Second Semester - Spring | ||
ENG 160 | Technical Communications* | 3 |
FOR 156 | Timber Cruising and Marketing | 3 |
FOR 269 | Forestry, Statistics, and Data Processing | 3 |
HRT 255 | Urban Tree Care | 3 |
PHI 110 | Ethics | 3 |
TOTAL | 15 | |
Third Semester - Summer | ||
FOR 220 | SCWE in Forestry "Internship" | 5 |
FOR 222 | Forestry Portfolio | 3 |
TOTAL | 8 | |
Fourth Semester - Fall | ||
FOR 206 | Forest Ecology | 3 |
FOR 265 | Equipment and Timber Harvesting | 4 |
FOR 271 | Silviculture | 4 |
NRM 207 | Geographic Information Systems I (GIS) | 3 |
PSY 103 | Human Relations | 3 |
TOTAL | 17 | |
Fifth Semester - Spring | ||
FOR 263 | Forest Management | 4 |
FOR 268 | Forest Protection Practices | 4 |
HRT 150 | Arboriculture I | 3 |
or | ||
NRM 201 | Soil Fertility and Plant Production | |
NRM 209 | Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing | 3 |
TOTAL | 14 | |
70 |
*Students continuing toward a Bachelors degree: ENG 101, ENG 102, and SPC 205 are recommended in place of ENG 155 and ENG 160. Consult your academic advisor. |