Rights and Responsibilites of Students with a Disabilty

Rights and Responsibilities of Students With Disability

A student with a disability has the right to an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from programs offered at the College. To ensure this right, students with a disability at the College should make immediate contact with HGTC Student Services staff for information about the process for establishing documentation of a disability and appropriate follow-up in order to obtain reasonable accommodations.

Students with a disability are responsible for:
• Self-identifying themselves to the Director of Student Development on the Conway Campus, the Coordinator for Student Affairs on the Georgetown Campus or Counselor for Disability Services on the Grand Strand Campus prior to the start of each semester if requiring special academic or physical accommodations.
• Providing current documentation from an appropriate professional identifying the disability and recommending accommodations in order to activate the faculty notification process.
• Demonstrating how the disability affects a particular delivery system, instructional method or evaluation criteria when requesting accommodations.
• Actively participating in the search for accommodations and auxiliary aids. This responsibility extends to working with the College to seek financial assistance from government agencies and private sources.
• Meeting with class professors each semester to discuss arrangements for accommodations.
• Satisfying the same obligations as any student for meeting and maintaining the College’s academic and technical standards.
• Following the policies and procedures for test taking and classroom behavior.

Students with a disability have the right to:
• Be evaluated based on ability, not disability. If the disability affects the outcome of an evaluation method, a student is entitled to an evaluation by alternate means.
• An equal opportunity to learn. If the location, delivery system or instructional method limits access, participation or ability to benefit, students have the right to reasonable alterations in those aspects of the course (or program) to accommodate the disability.
• Participate and benefit from the academic community. This includes access to services, extracurricular activities and transportation at a comparable level as that provided to other students.
• Confidentiality of all information pertaining to the student’s disability. Specific information (including documentation) relating to the student’s disability will not be given out without written permission from the student.
• Appeal decisions about accommodations by contacting the  Vice President for Student Affairs.
• Following an appeal to the Vice President for Student Affairs, students have the right to appeal by filing a petition with the regional Office of Civil Rights or through the Civil Court system.
• Failure to request services and/or misuse of services on the student’s part may cause a disruption in receiving services.