MKT - Marketing

MKT 101 Marketing (3)

This course covers an introduction to the field of marketing with a detailed study of the marketing concept and the processes of product development, pricing, promotion, and marketing distribution.

MKT 110 Retailing (3)

This course is a study of the importance of retailing in American business and covers the concepts of store location, layout, merchandising, display, pricing, inventory control, promotional programs and profit management.

MKT 111 Media Relations (3)

This course is a study of building and managing effective media relationships through the application of networking, press releases, public relations strategies, and media interviewing skills.

MKT 120 Sales Principles (3)

This course is a study of the personal selling process with special emphasis on determining customer needs and developing effective communications and presentation skills.

MKT 135 Customer Service Techniques (3)

This course studies techniques and skills required for providing customer service excellence, including illustrations to turn customer relations into high standards of customer service, satisfaction, and repeat sales.

MKT 240 Advertising (3)

This course is a study of the role of advertising in the marketing of goods and services, including types of advertising, media, how advertising is created, agency functions, and regulatory aspects of advertising.

MKT 250 Consumer Behavior (3)

This course is a study of the buying behavior process and how individuals make decisions to spend their available resources on consumption related items.

MKT 260 Marketing Management (3)

This course is a study of the marketing system from the decision-maker's view, including how marketing strategies are planned and utilized in the market place.